No,youshouldneverdefraganSSDdrive,onlytheoldtypeHDD'sneedtobedefragmented.AnSSDusesadifferenttechnologynamedTRIMandthatismanaged ...,...SSDsweepsthecomputerworld,itisalsonecessarytocareforSSD.SmartDefragintroducestheworld-leadingtechnologytotrimS...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Should i defragment an SSD?

No, you should never defrag an SSD drive, only the old type HDD's need to be defragmented. An SSD uses a different technology named TRIM and that is managed ...

Smart Defrag - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

... SSD sweeps the computer world, it is also necessary to care for SSD. Smart Defrag introduces the world-leading technology to trim SSD and prolong its lifetime.

智能重組硬碟IObit Smart Defrag 為SSD 作Trim 優化

《IObit Smart Defrag》同時支援硬碟及SSD,為SSD 提供Trim 優化,只需1、2 分鐘即可完成;至於硬碟方面,它使用智能重組技術,提供大型檔案重組、可用空間重組 ...

Download Defraggler for free

Speed up your PC with quick & easy defragmentation. Defrag entire hard drives or individual files. Works with HDD and SSD and supports NTFS and FAT32 file ... We value your privacy · File & Disk Defragmentation · Builds · Versi

Should You Defrag an SSD?

To summarize, do not defrag an SSD. Defragmenting is not recommended for solid state drives. At best, it won't do anything to help get a faster SSD drive, at ...

您應該重組SSD 嗎?

我應該重組我的SSD 嗎? ... 簡單直接的答案是:您不需要重組SSD。 重組可確保大型檔案存放在傳統硬碟(HDD) 的連續區域中,可以一口氣完成檔案讀取作業,因而可以提升速度。 HDD ...

How to Trim Your SSD and Defrag Your Hard Drive in Windows

Search defrag from the Windows taskbar and select the Defragment and Optimize Drives option when it appears. This will open the Optimize Drives window, which ...

What happend to a SSD when you defragment it and what ...

Doing a defrag is additional writes to the SSD drive that will cause it to wear out sooner.

Should I really not defrag my SSDsNVMEs? : rpcmasterrace

If you defrag an SSD, you're going to rewrite alot of the drive just to get files compacted together so they're closer. SSDs don't really care ...

SSD Defragging: The safe way

Windows auto defrags an SSD infrequently if volume snapshots are active on the drive. Its related to meta data fragmentation. So there is a ...


No,youshouldneverdefraganSSDdrive,onlytheoldtypeHDD'sneedtobedefragmented.AnSSDusesadifferenttechnologynamedTRIMandthatismanaged ...,...SSDsweepsthecomputerworld,itisalsonecessarytocareforSSD.SmartDefragintroducestheworld-leadingtechnologytotrimSSDandprolongitslifetime.,《IObitSmartDefrag》同時支援硬碟及SSD,為SSD提供Trim優化,只需1、2分鐘即可完成;至於硬碟方面,它使用智能重組技術,提供大型檔...